Community. Gee, that sounds like such a nice word,
a CARING word. People living in harmony, being nice to each other, and
helping old ladies cross the street. So why is it whenever I hear the words
"gay" and "community" in the same sentence I shudder? You know what I'm
talking about. Don't deny. Being in the gay community means being labeled
as someone who does nothing but sleep around, and cheat on their respective
others. Not being gay means being able to cheat on the "one you love",
and it being all gravy. So why is such a big deal when gay people cheat,
or sleep around? Personally, I think it downright SUX!!! Out of all of
the people I have dated trying to find that one special person (which I
now have!) I have NEVER! cheated on anyone. But wait, that doesn't fit
the criteria, I mustn't be gay. Why do we get stereotyped? We're human,
I guess I understand that. But, to be labeled as a whole community?
OK, OK. I understand that there are some very
significant differences between us and those creepy str8's. But what I
don't get, is why can str8 people have a good time and party, yet when
it's one of those Homo's doing it, they must just being trying to pick
someone up to sleep with? The truth: str8 people do that too! Woah, sorry
to shock you like that, take a deep breathe. But seriously, it seems like
straight people are so afraid to seem slutty and easy, but we're gay so
we have to be sleeping with like a million people at one time. And why
do our relationships never last? I have been questioning that for years
and the only answer I can come up with: straight people make it that way.
I know, you're probably saying, "ok, this guy is TOTALLY delusional." But
think about it. It's kewl for straight people to walk hand in hand in the
mall, but unless your town has a gay friendly mall, gays can't walk hand
in hand in the mall without the necessary "faggot" or "queer" comment from
a guy and his three male "buddies". I feel uncomfortable being too gay
in public. Is this how I really want to live my life?, being ashamed of
who I am, too scared to hold hands with my boyfriend in the mall? HELL
NO! But unless I want to be bashed, I have to take precautions and be smart.
Seems stupid since I live in such a wonderful "community". That's why gay
relationships DON'T last, at least in my case.
Who would want to date someone who is always
afraid to be seen with you in public? It's just not fair though!!! UGGHHH...
Gay people don't walk around "str8 bashing", or yelling "stupid heterosexual"
down the lengths of the shopping mall. So why should we have to deal with
it, living in such a wonderful, caring community? Simple answer: we shouldn't!
Next time you want to take your man's hand in the mall, do it! It's your
life, and plus, are they paying your bills? :P You only live life once,
so enjoy yours while you can. And gay people: stop putting down your fellow
queers. Talking trash about your "so called friends" only adds fuel to
the fire for str8 people. When you talk junk, that must mean it's ok for
everyone, and just adds credibility to the stereotypes that we are labeled
being gay.
So, now that we all now that the gay community
generally sux, do something about it. Don't put down a gay for sleeping
with someone: it's human nature. (Thanks Madonna). Str8s' sleep with people
in their community, there's nothing wrong with us doing it too. Hopefully
one day the gay community won't send shivers down my spine, and make me
gag. To think that it sux to be part of something I am…….